Ferragudo Walk 9
"From pilgrim to tramp" This is map piece 9 of 15 from my most recent walk of walking every street of Ferragudo, Portugal. This was a 200 mile walk, 597 hundred thousand steps, 68 hours. I printed out a map of the city then drew out a black line making sure it traversed every street of the city. I then took the maps to the streets and walked, following the line. As I walk I come up with sentences and write them in my notebook. After the walk was finished I made this art on the maps I used for the walk using sentences I can up with during the walk. The maps are special because they go with me on the entire walk and contain the walk in the wear and tear and debris, rain, sweat, etc that they accumulate over the course of the walk. The map page is printed on card stock and is the size of a normal sheet of printer paper. The walk line is in black and the sentence done over it is in light markers so that the walking line is totally visible so that the walking path can be fully seen as well as landmarks and street names on the map.